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6 Habits That Make You Snack When You're Not Hungry

Why are you eating when you’re not hungry?

My friends, do you tend to snack out of habit?

This is a problem that many people are struggling with every day.

Mindless snacking is one of the main contributing factors to weight gain.

The good news is that old habits can be broken, and new habits can be formed! But the bad news is that if you don't address these habits now, you'll continue to snack and overeat out of habit and most likely continue to struggle with your weight. This is the cycle that 99% of women who are trying to lose weight.

They are constantly dieting and never actually losing the weight because they are focusing on the symptom (the excess weight) and never addressing the deeper cause (the fattening habits and behaviours) .

Are you ready to break free of the cycle of the 99% and go straight to switching the habits so you can lose the weight and never need to struggle with your weight again?

These are some of the most common habits that you are more likely to snack when you're not hungry. Use the solutions to help curb your habit.

Bad habit 1#

Every time when you walk into your kitchen pantry, you grab a snack even though you have just eaten a full meal.

Strategies to overcome convenient snacking

1. Pantry makeover

Spend a day on the weekend to rearrange your pantry. Clear out all the calorie-dense snacks to avoid temptations when cravings kick in. Stock up healthier snacks. You may keep your favourite snacks into small snack packs to avoid overeating.

2. Stay away from the pantry/kitchen

The next time that you wander to the refrigerator or to the snack tray, ask yourself why. If the answer doesn’t include the word “hunger,” go for a walk or call a friend instead. You’ll end up replacing the old habit with a healthy new one.

Bad habit 2#

Every when you stay up late watching television, you snack on ice cream.

Strategies to overcome late night snacking

Develop a healthy lifestyle habit of going to bed earlier by 10pm. Avoid napping during the day as it will affect your sleeping time at night. Get up as early as you can (not later than 7am) and start your day fresh. Going to bed early at night will help you overcome cravings in the evening.

Bad habit 3#

Every time when you're under stress, you grab a snack, even if you're not hungry.

Strategies to overcome stress eating and comfort eating

If stress contributes to your non-hungry eating, try stress management strategies, such as exercise, rest, meditation, deep breathing, sunshine, go for a walk in nature, talk to a friend or listening to classical music. If you need help, don’t be hesitate to seek help from your health professionals.

Bad habit 4#

Every time when the food put in front of you, you eat it even if you're not hungry.

Strategies to overcome convenient snacking

Have a hunger reality check. Is your hunger physical or emotional? If you ate just a few hours ago and don't have a rumbling stomach, you're probably not hungry. Give the craving time amiss.

Bad habit 5#

Every time when you grab a coffee, you grab a snack.

Strategies to overcome habits of snacking in between meals

Stay hydrated with water at all time. Sometimes we snack because we think we’re hungry, but actually our body is just dehydrated and craving for water. Drinking plenty of water throughout the day is a great way to combat the habit of drinking coffee. It can also be helpful to have some additional sipping options on hand like sparkling water, fruit tea and herbal teas.

Bad habit 6#

Every time when you get bored at work, you eat a snack.

Strategies to overcome boredom snacking

Instead of snacking when you're not hungry, distract yourself and substitute a healthier behaviour such as take a short break and go for a walk. If you feel the urge to eat between meals, choose a healthy snack, such as fresh fruit, vegetables with low-fat dip, small handful of nuts or unbuttered popcorn. Or try lower calorie versions of your favourite foods to see if they satisfy your craving.

Seek professional help

If you need further dietary support to help you overcome your barriers to eating, don’t be hesitate to reach out to me. I’m here to help you as your personal dietitian. I will work with you one-on-one to understand why you eat emotionally and develop strategies and skills to overcome your struggles. I will also help discover whether you have an eating disorder or other psychological barriers, which can be connected to emotional eating.


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