Everything You Need To Know About Optimising Your Health on a Plant-Based Diet - A Beginner's Guide:
The Complete Guide to Plant-Based Diet For Beginners
is NOW AVAILABLE and contains everything you need to transition to a plant-based diet and feel amazing while doing it.
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If you've been thinking about going on a plant-based diet but you don't know how to begin, this book is for you.
Over the last 10 years, the plant based diet has become increasingly popular but many people still have no idea how it works, its benefits and where to start from.
In the The Complete Guide to Plant-Based Diet for Beginners, I’m pulling back the curtains and revealing all the basics that will help you understand everything you need to know about the plant-based diet from stocking your pantry with groceries to some delicious recipes to get you started, this is a great beginner handbook for anyone embarking on a plant-based diet. My goal is to help all those looking to adopt a healthier lifestyle and reap the benefits that whole plant foods offer.
This book is not only for vegans. It is an complete guide for anyone who has a desire to learn more about plant-based nutrition in just 3 weeks or less. You will learn how to optimise your health by incorporating minimally processed whole foods that are packed with phytonutrients and highly anti-inflammatory.
If you want to see instant changes in your health today and do this without a single boring day, where there’s no need to worry about missing out on your regular food, so bad you long for a cheat day as this will become your daily lifestyle, you will thoroughly enjoy it and become the best of you, then don’t hesitate, go ahead, scroll down and click the button below and get started now!
I can't wait to get started now!
Here’s what you’ll discover:

The importance of plant derived nutrients and health benefits.

Different plant nutrients and especially ones that can only be found in plants alone and reasons why you should not be eating without adding them to your diet.

3-week plant-based diet meal plans and recipes including breakfast, lunch dinner and healthy snacks and grocery shopping list.

15 nutrition prescriptions prescribed by dietitian to better health.

Tips for stocking your kitchen with the essentials for your new plant eating adventure. Plant-based foods, especially when whole and unprocessed, have a lower calorie density which means you will have to eat larger portions and it will be a lot easier to lose some weight because these foods add much more bulk.

A step towards taking back your health and building your immunity against illnesses.​

With this guide to plant-based living, you'll learn how to get everything you need from plants. With sections on healthy sources of carbohydrates, fats and protein, as well as a complete guide to plant-based protein sources plus a guide to all essential micronutrients, you will confidently be able to put together meal plans that are not only simple and delicious but also cover all your nutrient needs.

Section Title
Changing your diet and lifestyle can be an overwhelming adventure but with a step-by-step guide to transitioning, the process will feel doable and even enjoyable. The guide focuses on consistency over perfection so you can take small steps for long-term success. It also covers getting your kitchen ready, meal prep basics and how to stock your pantry.

Health is about far more than just what we eat. Learn about managing blood sugar, natural anti-inflammatory living, reducing stress, how to improve your sleep and incorporate more daily movement into your life. You'll also develop the knowledge to take control of your health, empowering you for a lifetime.
Enjoy 3 weeks of meal plans with delicious, simple, plant-based recipes anyone can make! Enjoy cooking and preparing plant-based meals like never before!

Get your copy of The Complete Guide To Plant-Based Diet For Beginners today and start transitioning towards a healthier, happier you. Get over 3 weeks worth of meal plans with recipes and everything you need to get started for just $37.
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Chapter 1: Why Go Plant Based?
Chapter 2: Key Nutrients in Plant Foods
Chapter 3: Getting Started
Chapter 4: How to Transition To A Plant-Based Diet
Chapter 5: Dietitian's Culinary Advice - 15 Nutrition Prescriptions to Better Health
Chapter 6: Meal Planning and Eating Out
Chapter 7: Foods to Avoid On A Plant-Based Diet
Chapter 8: Healthy Alternatives
Chapter 9: Plant-Based Shopping - How To Stock Your Fridge and Pantry
Chapter 10: 3-Week Plant-Based Meal Plans and Recipes
Chapter 10: 3-Week Plant-Based Meal Plans and Recipes
Week-1 Plant-Based Meal Plan with Recipes
Week-2 Plant-Based Meal Plan with Recipes
Week-3 Plant-Based Meal Plan with Recipes
Celebrate Success
About The Author
Are the recipes plant-based/whole food plant-based?
Yes, all of the recipes are plant-based and almost everything is whole food plant-based. You will find a small amount of oil used for cooking in some recipes but there’s an option to omit it. There are some coconut oil-based desserts but plenty that are oil-free as well.
Are the recipes gluten-free?
Not all recipes are gluten-free but those can easily be made gluten-free by using a GF flour blend. I use soy sauce sometimes but than can be replaced by gluten-free tamari and some of the recipes contain oats so just make sure you use GF-certified oats, if needed.
Do the recipes have nutrition facts included?
Every recipe includes the calories, carbohydrates, fats, protein, fibre, sugar, iron and calcium content.
Can I get all the nutrition I need through a plant-based diet?
The short answer is yes as long, as long as you get B12 from either a supplement, fortified foods, or both. The longer answer is yes but it does take effort, planning and commitment to a balanced, whole food diet. The book covers exactly how to get everything you need while eating a plant-based diet. We will cover how to get enough calcium, iron, protein and more.
Do the recipes contain hard-to-find ingredients?
Nope, they sure don’t. All the recipes focus on easy-to-prepare basic whole food ingredients. Everything I cook with is your everyday, basic, plant-based foods: whole grains, nut, seeds, vegetables and legumes.
Will it be expensive?
Nope. The bulk of a plant-based diet is all budget-friendly foods like legumes, whole grains and vegetables. There is also a section in the book that covers everything you need to know about healthy eating on a budget.
Will I receive a printed version of this book?
No, this is a digital ebook only. Some people like to print out their favourite recipes or have sections of the book printed and bound at a local or online print shop such as staples.
Are the meal plans and recipes family-friendly?
Absolutely. You can easily select some of your family favourite recipes and add them into your go-to family dinner meals whenever you like!
Will I get bored?
There is a large variety of meals from sweet and savoury breakfasts to soups, curries, stews, drinks, noodles, salads, buddha bowls, burgers, snacks and sweets so I don't think so!
Refund policy
There is no refund available for this ebook once purchased due to the nature of the book in PDF. However if you are not happy with the purchase, feel free to email me and provide your genuine feedback, I'll be happy to provide a refund.

What's This Book Worth?
Specialised dietitians typically charge $180 - $250 per visit​ ​
7-day meal plan with personalised meal plan with recipes created by dietitian $95
3 weeks of personalised meal plans with recipes crea ted by dietitian $95x3 = $285
This book took me months of effort to finally put all my love and knowledge for plant-based nutrition together into a book, with simple step-by-step plans and easy-to-prepare nourishing recipes to share with anyone with all levels of cooking skills to start their plant eating adventure.
If you have a desire to start exploring plant-based eating, and would like to try do it on your own, then this book has all the essential information you need to get started.
Dietitian consults + 3 weeks of personalised meal plans = $495 +++
Get this book today for only $37 so you can get started!